Monthly Archives: November 2014


How technology beats traditional methods of advertising

The most cost effective technological method of advertising is without a doubt LED sign boards. Let us now compare this method to that of traditional billboard advertising. Some unbeaten advantages that this technological method brings include the following: The LED display is constantly changeable so as to keep the audience's interest alive every time they

Emerging markets for LED signage

Signage markets have seen an increasing popularity of digital signs with LED facility for message reader boards, channel letters, and video screen displays. Compared to over 100 years of electric signage, digital advertising has been existing for just about thirty years and yet has emerged as a key player in sign markets, particularly due to

Are LED displays really effective?

There have probably been many instances where you have driven past large billboards while travelling to work or on random road trips and have thought about whether or not companies are finding it worthwhile to invest on these expensive LED advertising displays. The return on investment of billboard advertising and determining its effectiveness are things


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