Are LED displays really effective?

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There have probably been many instances where you have driven past large billboards while travelling to work or on random road trips and have thought about whether or not companies are finding it worthwhile to invest on these expensive LED advertising displays. The return on investment of billboard advertising and determining its effectiveness are things often talked about amongst managers and business owners. As a business owner, one needs to know if the dollars spent on this form of advertising is making an impact on their customers.
Based on the results of a survey, an average American is either driving in his car or is seated as a passenger for approximately 20 hours a week. Those who have longer travelling times and distances to and from work spend more of their hours awake in a vehicle than they would do reading a magazine or watching television. Therefore, it is a good idea to make use of those hours that your potential customers spend behind the wheel. And doing so with a clear cut advertising strategy can prove to be even more effective.
The same study goes on to prove that more than 70% of the passersby made an effort to look at the message displayed on roadside LED sign boards. By doing so, many of them came to know about an interesting event or a shopping arcade, restaurant, supermarket, etc that they later happened to visit. Furthermore, several billboard readers happened to mention in their day to day conversations about a funny message they read on the display while driving in their cars. A few of them also made note of a contact number or URL which they later made use of. Therefore, this proves that LED outdoor advertising is indeed an effective method.
The amount of effort that goes into getting a hoarding to be noticed is equal to how much effort you have to put in to make sure there is a promising action from potential customers after having read your advertisement. This would probably mean a definite purchase or at least having them visit your outlet. Looking back at the survey results, 7 out of 10 viewers of your LED billboard do stop to shop for something or the other during their drive. Also, 68% of the same crowd make critical shopping decisions while travelling on road. Therefore, it is safe to assume that roadside advertising can be successful in grabbing impulsive drivers.
Although these statistics are quite convincing in proving the effectiveness of LED outdoor advertising, as mentioned before, the task of coming up with a creative, strategic, clever and engaging billboard is what guarantees that the message will be read. Drivers may appear to be bored but their concentration is on the road and probably on other things going on in their lives. This is why your roadside advertisement needs to be something that will stick in their minds even once they are out of their cars. Advertisements with too much information, pictures, using a variety of fonts and colours may be too much for a driver to absorb. Therefore, it is best to display a simple, clear and intelligent message that will immediately attract the attention of passersby. Most importantly, clearly display your business name on the LED signboard for viewers to link the advertisement to your company.


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