Why LED signs are replacing print communication

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Although print communications have been effective in the past, LED signage is now quickly taking over. While the world is efficiently adapting to digital technology, the retail industry should do so too.

Retail LED signs possess the power of technology and exclusive content in order to advertise products, service and any other information. Retailers have excessive freedom and flexibility with LED signs along with the opportunity to enhance customer engagement with their brand. Posters and catalogs are now only useful for some brands. Most retailers have to push past this stage and move on to more engaging methods of communication. Here are a few key benefits retailers will experience when transitioning to digital signage.

  1. More savings

Although the initial expense may be high compared to print materials, retail LED signs have much higher long term savings. Print media requires money and time for setting up, designing, printing, distributing, and other administration. LED signs are a onetime cost for installation and require only a minor cost for regular support and maintenance. Therefore the savings in the longer term is more with LED signs.

  1. Possibility of real-time updates

With just a press of a button, LED signs allow instant updating of your entire campaign in the comfort of your own home or office. You can schedule different content to be published on different LED screens at different locations; the possibilities are endless. As a result, the savings continue to mount because you no longer have to keep printing new posters and catalogs for new products and offers.

  1. Truly engaging content

Provided you can come up with one-of-a-kind content, customer engagement with your brand will shoot up with LED signs. With the facility of handling multiple messages at once, your posts can be catered to specific audiences in specific geographic locations. A better impact can be created rather than overcrowding your screen to reach several types of audiences. Such customization in turn leads to increased sales and overall profits for the retailer.


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