Purchasing an LED sign

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When investing in an LED sign, it is very important to know where the craftsmanship is from. This is because many times when people order for an LED sign, it turns out to be completely different from expectations. Craftsmanship from United States means guaranteed quality of the LED sign and usually boasts more than 100,000 hours of life.

The next thing to consider is the warranty that the sign manufacturer provides. Carefully read the fine print because although some companies say they have a three year warranty, only one year may be a full warranty and the other two years would be limited warranty (covering only certain aspects of the product). Such misleading warranty manufacturers may not provide a quality product.

If you are purchasing outdoor LED signs then it is very important that the sign is weatherproof. This means that the sign should be fully functional in all sorts of weather conditions. Actual weatherproofing means a heavy coating of high quality silicone on the sign along with an aluminum frame to make sure it withstands severe weather and functions well.

When making your outdoor LED sign investment you have to make sure the sign you are purchasing is in correspondence to your city requirements. If not, your city officials will not allow you to put up the digital sign. Check for certifications where you will also know if the sign is electrically compatible in your area of operation.

Lastly, a good LED sign manufacturing company will always offer customer service. You should be able to know where to go to if you have any questions about using the product or the software that comes with it. If anything goes wrong with the product, after sales service of the company should also be good. You would want someone who is ready and willing to help you with your product at any time.


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