FAQs on Outdoor LED Signs

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Purchasing an outdoor LED sign is a heavy investment and you would obviously want to make sure it will last long for you to make the most out of it. Before making the decision, you probably have questions regarding your sign. Here is a list of a few FAQs that many people are concerned about with regard to outdoor LED signs.

  • How to prevent water from damaging the sign?

The outdoor LED sign should be designed to tolerate all extreme weather conditions. As for water damage, this can be prevented by having a rain hood, compression locks and by placing bends strategically in order to avoid puddles of water. These signs should include good quality gaskets and should be water tested before being put out in the market.

  • How to connect the sign to electricity and internet?

This depends on where you are placing the sign. Mostly, outdoor LED signs are able to meet local codes and Wi-Fi or mobile data is used to provide connection to the internet.

  • How to prevent vandalism?

No one can guarantee absolute elimination of vandalism. However, in taking measures to prevent it, tempered glass, strong and durable materials, proper finishing and graphic wraps are needed to endure attempts of tampering. Furthermore, vandalism can be discouraged by visibly placing a camera directed towards monitoring the sign.

  • Will the content be visible in sunlight?

High brightness is an essential factor in outdoor LED screens along with automatic dimming features when night time arrives. Also, the unit should include cooling capabilities so that the screen does not get overheated when displaying high brightness content during the day time.

  • How do outdoor LED signs react to extreme weather conditions?

Outdoor LED signs should usually be constructed from high quality materials that adhere to various climates. If you are in a region that experiences extreme cold and heat, the unit should have heating capabilities as well as an air conditioning system.

  • Is any special cleaning required for outdoor LED signs?

In the manufacturing of these signs, the finishing stage should involve spraying a layer of heavy duty primer and polyurethane protectant. It is also important that the graphics are made with climate proof materials. As long as these characteristics are there, the outdoor LED sign unit can be easily cleaned with water and soap.

  • What maintenance is required for the sign?

Monthly inspections are recommended to check air vents for blocks due to outdoor debris. If the unit has filters, these may need to be changed regularly.

  • How long can an outdoor LED sign be used?

This depends heavily on the climatic conditions that the sign is exposed to. Usually, a minimum of ten years is guaranteed.

  • Why do outdoor signs cost more than indoor units?

There are a number of reasons why this may be the case. A few include:

  1. Complicated design and engineering for outdoor units
  2. Materials used to construct outdoor units cost more because they involve waterproofing and other forms of endurance
  3. Sealed door to prevent direct exposure to elements
  4. Dual powdered coating process needed
  • What location requirements are there for an outdoor sign?

Site preparation is essential before you put up an outdoor LED sign. A concrete foundation, along with approval of city codes is needed before the sign is installed.

Other Concerns

Whether you are making this investment for a business, airport, stadium, church or a hotel, you have to select the best technology for the LED sign. This choice heavily depends on what the customer wants and how the enterprise will benefit from adopting this technology. Some factors to look into are budget, outdoor or indoor, technology used, viewing distance, lighting conditions, installation conditions and maintenance. Hardware considerations are also important: LED or LCD display, lamp or laser projector, direct LED technology, and so on. LEDs are proving to be extremely energy efficient so if your organization is focusing on environmental responsibility, this may be a good idea.

Viewing distance is an essential factor that should be discussed. Large, outdoor signage for example, does not require close viewing distance unlike indoor signs. Therefore, LED resolutions should be based on such viewing distance requirements.

The most important part in this entire process is to choose a good and reputable LED signage provider. By doing so, you are assured that all possible challenges and opportunities will be addressed and they will ensure that you are provided with the best possible outdoor LED sign for your investment.


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