Digital Signage trends for 2016

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Here is a look at what experts have to say on the biggest trends for the LED signage industry in the year 2016.

  1. 2016 is a promise for taking convergence of devices in terms of digital signage to a whole new level. Sensors are just one device that presents a whole lot of opportunities for personalizing digital experiences over several industries. Imagine walking into a retail store and immediately notice that all the information on your mobile and the LED signs around you showing only content that interests you. As for factory outlets, LED screens can provide real time information on transit inventories and predicted arrival times. Schools and other institutes can network sensors from fire and security alarms with LED signage to present visual alerts of important information.
    Organizations should realize that instead of having information on mobile devices, it is more important to make the individual mobile and presenting information to the individual at the right place and time.
  2. With the maturity of LED signage, there is a shift from traditional platforms to 4k becoming commonplace. ARM based 4k devices are available in abundance which are sufficiently reliable, accessible and affordable; hence the increased popularity. Now there is no time to waste in convincing people that they need to go digital, instead businesses are focusing on differentiating and enhancing the digital experience presented to their target audience. Furthermore, LED signs have now become more of an interactivity platform. Therefore, any digital signage campaign that does not involve a sufficient level of interaction is probably at a risk for failure.
  3. 2016 is expected to give rise to the popularity of individually functioning screens such as door signs, end caps, directional signs and so on. Not much activity is seen yet in this area probably because positive ROI needs to be proved. These screens target only one person’s eyes at a time and therefore are much more customized.

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