Centralization – Easy management of LED Signs

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Leading franchises in all industries, whether hospitality or retail or restaurants, have turned towards digital signage to keep up with the current trends as well as meet the ever growing digital demands of customers. With the help of LED signs, brands are able to promote and inform customers about deals, campaigns, video ads, menu boards, LED Signs Administrator directories and much more. Therefore companies now need to invest in multiple LED signs for multiple locations and this brings about the challenge of managing and controlling the content on all LED signs owned by one brand.

Look at Mac Donald’s fast food chain for example. It is a large international restaurant franchise that owns over 30,000 outlets over 100 countries. If every outlet invested in a digital menu as well as digital outdoor and indoor signs, they would have over 100,000 signs to control and manage. For one brand, that is a lot to maintain.

Apart from Mac Donald’s, several other brands may be facing similar situations. It is important for the electronic sign content to maintain brand consistency and at the same time be appealing to audiences suited to a specific location.

Current Situation

Existing management strategies for digital content make use of software programs that need a separate device for every LED screen. These individual devices cannot manage LED signs of the entire franchise. Large brands would want a platform to simplify the process in one go. The following qualities in the platform for managing an LED signage network would be ideal:

  • Flexible and swift: Integrating digital signage means installing multiple screens across several locations. A quick and flexible platform is needed where media playlists can be organized in a manner that shows the brand which messages are being displayed on which screens at any time of the day.
  • Wireless facilities: This allows for greater control for making changes to content being displayed on LED screens placed at remote locations. Brands can change the content display from anywhere.
  • Centralized technology: Brands are also on the lookout for a centralized platform that can replace legacy marketing materials and equipment. Having one platform to store, organize and implement all content for LED signs will eliminate a possibly humongous headache.

The upcoming digital frontier: Centralization

Many of you may have already heard about the central platform that manages social media accounts in multiple networks. A similar system for digital messaging is what is currently being sought after. LED Signs - Digital Frontier: Centralization

By centralizing digital messaging, brands can benefit in several ways:

  • Brands can guarantee quality content for the maintenance of brand consistency. When content managers have one central platform to see how their media content is organized across the network, they can compare messages and maintain consistency in terms of content on each LED screen. As a result, they can publish messages to attract consumers, provide relevant information, and create brand awareness without compromising on the brand consistency at different locations.
  • Content managers can also engage visitors on a local level with an aim to increase foot traffic and multiply profits. With engaging and interactive LED screens at each location, brands can gather demographic related information and develop further content to promote items that are appealing to particular demographics. Research shows that convincing the purchase of a particular product through electronic signage can increase sales of that product by over 60%. Customers don’t want to feel as if they are being targeted as a mass audience. Instead they want to be taken care of at a personal level by brands. With LED signs, brands can reconnect with local audiences by customizing content to that specific audience.

If you have not invested in a multiple LED sign network for your business yet or wish to expand your existing network, trust LED Craft to provide you with a suitable plan regarding which LED signs you should purchase. Our team of staff is well experienced and knowledgeable in solving several challenges businesses may face when installing an LED sign campaign. We can help guide you in the right path for forming an LED sign network for your brand. Visit our website for more information on our products and services.

Companies that have outlets in several locations and are looking to expand in more widespread locations have the opportunity to capitalize on the wonders possible with an LED signage network. Just like companies have made use of software programs that provide a centralized platform to manage social media accounts on various networks, brands have now realized the need for something similar to control the content displayed on LED signs across their network.


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