Campus Crisis Management with LED signage networks

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Disaster emergency situations are such that no one really wants to think about them or prepare for them in advance. But when disaster actually strikes, schools and campuses need to know how to react, especially considering the number of lives of students and teachers that are at stake! An LED signage network allows campuses to be prepared for such emergencies because these signs can be networked with emergency responders that provide communication around the campus.

Why use LED signs for campus crisis management

Whatever alert system your campus is using can be integrated with LED sign networks. These alerts can be transmitted wherever LED screens are placed on campus. This way, LED sign systems are really serving the purpose by ensuring that the correct message reaches the audience at times when it matters the most. Also, by regularly having safety protocols displayed on digital signs, the creation of a safe campus environment is possible.

How LED signs work in emergency situations

In an emergency situation, the first thing that needs to be done is to make sure the entire campus is informed about it in an efficient manner. LED signs are the best way to do so. The alert system triggers an emergency and the content related to that emergency is automatically displayed on LED screens that you have previously instructed to be a part of that particular emergency situation. Relevant information such as evacuation procedures are also displayed on these screens.

Alert integration systems are designed particularly for schools and other communities in instructing them about how to deal with emergency situations such as a fire or a storm. The alert integration system also makes sure that only the appropriate outlets are sent the emergency information so that the entire campus need not be disturbed.

Digital signage systems assure schools and campuses that they are well prepared with an effective communication channel for notifying students and teachers regarding an emergency. If used correctly, digital signs are the most effective way of reaching out to a large amount of people in a fast and efficient manner.

Did you know?

  • Since December 2014, at least one shooting per week occurs in schools.
  • Since the year 2000, 86 fires have occurred on campuses across the United States.

Steps of Crisis Management with LED signage

  1. Prevention

Avoid dangerous situations and thereby reduce the risk of damage. Create ‘prevention campaigns’ on regular school days that broadcast the process of handling emergency situations on all LED signs on campus. These campaigns should become a part of the daily broadcasting schedule on digital signs to ensure that the message is definitely received by everyone on campus. In this campaign:

  • Include tips that can prevent fires
  • Provide information for school shuttles, taxis and safety riders
  • Provide health tips
  • Warn everyone about extremely low or high temperatures so that they dress accordingly
  • Provide contact information to report any suspicious activity on campus
  • Come up with informative and easy to read slides that teach viewers the procedure for using defibrillators or administering CPR


  1. Preparedness

The campus is responsible for meeting with supervisors, principals and local officials in an effort to create a plan of action in case of emergencies. For each crisis category, a set of instructions should be laid out. They should keep in mind that multiple escape routes should be provided for safety zones in case the main escape route is obstructed or endangered. These plans and instructions should be presented appropriately and integrated into the digital signage system as automated alerts during an emergency. In your presentations:

  • Focus on informing viewers where the nearest first aid kits are located based on the location of the LED screen
  • Inform users of fire escape routes in the form of way-finding directions
  • Inform students about who their respective floor/department leader will be in times of emergencies
  • Prepare slides that have instructions on how fire extinguishers should be used and how other necessary equipment should be assembled.


  1. Response

This is where you put plans into action when an event occurs. Alert integration allows your message to automatically be displayed in times of emergencies. Faculty and staff can then begin taking care of students – which will be their main priority. Alert integration in LED signs is an effective way of allowing campus staff to use their preparedness in times like these and focus on a recovery plan.

  1. Recovery

In this step, normalcy is regained after an emergency situation. Every emergency is different and hence a different recovery plan is required. By resuming regular content on LED signs after the event has passed allow the environment to resume to normalcy faster. Campus life should get back to typical schedule as soon as possible.


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