Break the freshman ice with a digital scavenger hunt
It is the beginning of the school year where a whole new batch of students has just come into the school and returning students may need a refreshing start. With the help of LED school
Strategic ideas for LED sign placement and uses in banks
LED Sign Placement LED Signs located almost anywhere can create an impact and strengthen a brand. Banks may place signs inside, outside and any spot they find feasible for an LED sign. Some areas are
Tips for maintaining brand continuity in designing LED screen content
The display technology in digital signage has seen several changes in the past few years. Starting out with 36-42 inch flat panel LED displays, today we are looking at displays larger than 86 inches, multiple
How financial institutions can benefit from LED Signage
While bank branches are reducing in numbers, research shows that banks still play a major role in serving customers of a financial institution. In 2015, 80% of Americans have visited a bank branch. Customers are
How to ensure outdoor LED signs survive the winter
Correct implementation of your outdoor LED sign is critical to ensure its success. There are many examples in which poor implementation of hardware has lead to short life of the LED sign. Overlooking even the
Five technology must-haves for an effective LED sign solution
While screen placement and effective content is critical in implementing a successful LED sign campaign, technology still remains the main driver in the industry. Only if the key building blocks are in place, your LED