Attract an audience with interactive Video Walls

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  • Interactive Video Walls

Video walls are often considered to be extremely effective brand marketing tools. It provides larger-than-life advertising experiences that emotionally impress customers. But instead of just placing an advertisement on a video wall, making it an interactive one can give customers a more inviting brand experience. An interactive video wall encourages customers to converse with the brand and better understand what is on offer, hence providing an unforgettable experience to the customer.

Effective interactivity in a video wall means some issues have to be addressed. Here are a few of those critical issues that have to be overcome to create a dynamic interactive video wall.

Users and Uses of your Video Wall

Begin by considering which target group will drive the user experience and which group will just play along. Do you aim to target your wall at a single group or multiple groups? Keep in mind that at any given time, your video wall will be looked at drivers as well as passengers (those who look at it from afar). In designing, you have to keep in mind both these groups. You also have to account for different perspectives such as those actually driving past your wall (limited viewpoint) and those passing by it on foot (a fuller view). With these kind of presenter experiences, make sure your interaction experiences are very efficient and easy-to use.

Size and Shape of the Wall

A big screen will surely be attractive. But a rather effective approach is to make use of unusual aspect ratios. The results achieved from differentiating a television and a video wall is indeed amazing. For example, a 16×9 wall will look very similar to a large television. Instead, invest in an unusual ratio such as 24×9 or 32×9 and that’s when viewers will actually see that it is a video wall in front of them. Such designs will provide users with experiences that they cannot obtain elsewhere.

When making your video wall investment from LED Craft Inc, we will provide you with options regarding quality and content resolution; make your decision with care. High quality and resolution is essential with video walls because your content will be both blown up to a large scale and viewed from close at the same time.

Another important factor to keep in mind is the A/V technology. Large displays need specialized touch technology that is often custom-built. Therefore when choosing the size of your video wall, make sure the touch technology can execute it well.

Touch or Gesture based technology for your screen?

While the obvious choice may seem touch, there are advantages of gesture-based technology also that should be considered. Touch is superior for fine interactions and gesture solutions solve the problem of needing to be close to the wall and then not being able to see the entire content. Do the necessary research and make your choice accordingly.

Importance of High-Quality Content

The importance of quality content for your video wall cannot be stressed enough. The standard 1080p resolution will not suffice for large video walls.


  • In situations where you cannot find high-resolution content, use a combination of images and motion graphics that are of high-resolution.
  • You don’t have to use the entire wall to display your content. Display it at a size that looks good. This tip is helpful also when trying to stay clear of bezels in the placement of important elements.

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